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Writer's pictureLife of an Intercessor

Prayer Request or Gossip?

By Jacqui – One of God’s Intercessors

Prayer Request or Gossip? Did you ever wonder if there was a difference? The enemy often creates a hazy line between the two. One that we do not want. Let me explain how this happens all too easily.

First, a list is created of prayer requests. On this list you may learn something someone is experiencing and has asked for prayer about. In reading through the list of requests one may become so interested in learning the trials of others they may not even realize that they forgot to pray. Later, with a concern that is real, the person may then begin to share this trial with others asking if they knew the other person was experiencing these difficult times.

Others may then become so interested in learning about the trial, they too, forget to actually pray. Without actual prayer or intercession for the person experiencing the trial, the enemy scores. The trial has become gossip and no prayer has occurred.

For this intercessor, more immediate prayer, a constant awareness of confidentiality and a desire to share all difficult things with God first circumvent the gossip and send the prayer request straight to the Lord! When prayer requests come in it’s often better to “pray your way through” the requests. Simple directions, really. Read, stop and pray. Then go on to the next one. If you don’t have time to pray all the way through, go back later. But, don’t allow yourself to read the next prayer request until you’ve prayed for the first one.

Confidentiality can be hard for an inexperienced intercessor. You may feel overcome by the trial someone is facing and find yourself looking for someone to share this with. The more you pray and the more you intercede for others you will find yourself seeking God to share this burden with. Only when we share with God is the burden lifted. Only after we have interceded on someone’s behalf do we truly leave the trial we’ve learned of at the foot of God’s throne.

Sharing only with our Lord defeats the schemes of the enemy and brings the one interceding God’s peace.

The next time you receive a few prayer requests; especially those that are given to you in confidence, I urge you to take the experienced intercessor approach: Read, stop and pray. Seek the Lord, and keep those prayer requests between you and God.

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