Have you ever noticed that when you stand in line for something that there is usually either no waiting or a very long line waiting? A cashier almost always has either no customers or what may seem like too many customers. It can be the same for a prayer intercessor!
Prayer requests do not just come in steadily with a nice manageable amount every day. It seems it is either a quiet day where my WhatsApp is silent, my new email count is small, my texts remain silent and my phone is not ringing or…
You guessed it, all of the above are sounding off as though they must each somehow ring louder than the one before to quickly gain my attention. It’s not even just the number of prayer requests that do this, but sometimes the very nature of the requests themselves seem to come at the same time.
For example, one day may bring in prayer requests that are all date related. These generally come from people who have witnessed what God does in prayer. They know they have something important coming up and they want prayer for it! Then, there are the time related prayer requests those that all seem to need immediate prayer and yes, they seem to arrive all within a short time of each other.
When the very serious, tragic related prayer requests come in, they come in together. On one particular Saturday, two faithful Christians were facing the possibility of a loved one dying that die. My phone went off with messages from both throughout the day and kept me in an attitude of prayer for the entire day. These are the realities of the life of an intercessor.
So, what does an intercessor do on a “quieter prayer day”? Well, I used to dive into all the other facets of prayer work; first getting caught up and then coming up with new ideas for more prayer coverage. But, God has been teaching me lately that these are the days I need most to take some time to rest, to read and study his word, to read even more about prayer and to realize that this is a tiny break God has offered. He is giving me a time to refuel before the next prayer workout in intercession!
When God offers a time of quiet and rest, I know what is soon coming! If God is offering you a brief respite this morning, rest friend. Trust me, you’ll be needed to pray again sooner than you think!
By Jacqui - One of God's Intercessors