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Listening for God

Writer: Life of an IntercessorLife of an Intercessor

Blog Listening for God

By Jacqui – One of God’s Intercessors

It can become difficult to hear God over the cacophony of noises in our world. Add in the voices of others who are busy around us and finish it off with the never ending thoughts we often allow to play within our minds, and silence can become difficult to find.

When Elijah went to the mountain to be with God, he discovered he didn’t hear God in the earthquake or the fire or even the strong winds. He heard him in the gentle breeze. As one of God’s intercessors there are days that I long for that gentle breeze and the quiet voice of the Lord.

Yesterday, I realized that my own time in prayer was becoming overrun by responsibilities that revolve around prayer. I was praying often with others, but losing my time alone with God. It’s important to pray with others, but I began missing my one on one with God in praying for OMS.

So, this morning before heading to my work area, I stopped and returned to my prayer closet. I took my prayer journal for OMS, but left everything else outside the prayer closet door. About an hour later, I emerged with the sure knowledge that the time I just spent in prayer praying for our global leaders was the most valuable thing I would do today.

Why? Because God can do far more in answering prayers than any one of us can accomplish on our own. No matter how efficient you are or how important your tasks and meetings are, God can and will out do anything you might attempt to do on your own.

OMS is in a time of prayer and intermittent fasting for 40 days as we seek God’s will for our next steps. We’ve been praying for a time now, pouring out to God. Now, it’s time for us to all stop and listen in prayer. If we really want to hear God’s plans, we have to be quiet long enough to listen.

When we do, some will hear God speak through the Scriptures. Others through a devotion or even a song. At times you will hear him speak through a fellow believer. A few will even hear that quiet voice of the Lord as he guides and directs us.

If, like me, you’re finding that you really haven’t just been quiet with the Lord lately, I urge you to stop. Walk away from your computer, phone, and co-workers. Step into a quiet place and settle into a time of prayer with God all by yourself, and listen. May you be blessed in what you hear.



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2020 Life of an Intercessor 

Created by One of God's Intercessors

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