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Is Fear Guiding Your Prayers?

Writer: Life of an IntercessorLife of an Intercessor

Recently, someone shared with me something she had prayed for me. I love for someone to pray for me, especially if they are praying God’s will for me, God’s best for me, or something I have asked for prayer about. But, this time it was different.

Out of fear this dear person had prayed for something I was hoping would not happen. This dear one knew it was not what I wanted. They did not seek God’s will in the situation. They simply prayed for what they wanted to happen; for what they thought would be best in the situation. They prayed this because they were afraid. But, they didn’t consider God’s will in the matter.

As an intercessor, I am asked to pray for many things. If what I am asked to pray for does not go against the will of God, I pray on behalf of the person. I do not pray my will over theirs. If I find myself feeling concerned for them in what they are asking, I pray with them that God give them wisdom in the decision, that he guide their steps and that ultimately, the Lord bless them with his best.

I choose not to pray my will over someone else. When my youngest son chose to move several hundred miles away, I did not pray that something would keep him here. I prayed God would guide him and provide for him and that my son would follow God’s will for him. Of course, I wanted my son to live closer. But, I want God’s will for him more.

Intercessors are called to intercede on behalf of others in prayer – not in opposition to them. We are not called to know all the answers or to ‘fix’ things for someone. We are called to stand beside them and lift up their requests in prayer to God. We are called to ask God how we might best pray for them, to seek the Lord’s will in his Holy Scriptures. We are not the ones to determine or control what needs to happen. God is.

If you are finding fear guiding your prayers, I encourage you to stop, take a breath and remember, God’s ways are higher than our ways, his thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Simply pray God’s will be done. Pray God’s best for your loved one and stop praying what you think should happen. I promise you, God can do immeasurably more than you can even imagine!

By Jacqui – One of God’s Intercessors



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2020 Life of an Intercessor 

Created by One of God's Intercessors

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