Five years ago I traveled to Peru with a medical team as an intercessor. After much discussion, I persuaded the team leader to let me bring another intercessor with me on this trip. Yes, I was strongly feeling that we needed the “where two or more are gathered in prayer” for this trip. Much happened during the time we were there. God made that clear just two weeks ago.
Let me backtrack about five years ago. After completing our first medical clinic in Lima, we traveled on to Iquitos. We then drove to the area where our medical team would host the clinic. Upon arriving, I had talked with our host about my intercessor friend and I prayer walking around the area where we would hold the clinic. This had not been difficult to do at the clinic in Lima. Let’s just say that Iquitos is completely different.
Wanting to be of help, he promised that while we couldn’t physically walk around the clinic, we could prayer walk in the town that was close to the clinic. We agreed and prepared to set off. Right before we were to leave on our prayer walk, our host came to tell us he was needed in the setting up of the clinic; but he had asked another man to go with us on the prayer walk. I didn’t catch the man’s name when he mentioned it.
We set off on our prayer walk with this man leading us. Neither of us spoke his language and he spoke very little of ours. He walked and we followed closely behind praying aloud as we went. We prayed and he walked. He walked and we prayed. We went up and down the hilly little ‘streets’ of the neighborhood. When the path winded around, we winded around with it. Did I mention that it is hot in Iquitos, Peru?
By now the sun was up and showering its full heat force upon us. But, still he walked and still we prayed. We prayed for every place we stepped upon asking God’s blessings upon that land. After about two hours, I admit to praying, with sweat running down my back and my face, “Lord, if you want us to continue praying for another two hours in this place, we will, but if you want us to head back to the clinic and pray there, we’ll do that, too.” Still he walked and still we prayed. Then, he turned and we started back to the clinic.
Upon arriving our host came to ask if our prayer walk was successful. We shared that we had determined that we would pray as long as he walked. Later, our host returned to us, laughing! She said, the man who led us was, in fact, the Bishop, and that he told her he believed he was to keep walking for as long as we would pray!
Back to two weeks ago. An event brought me together with one of our hosts from that trip to Peru. She was telling me about some incredible stories of those coming to know Jesus as their Savior and about a Christian training center they’d built in Peru. I asked her if anything ever happened in that area that we had prayer walked with the Bishop. A look of sudden joy came over her face and she said, “I remember that prayer walk now. That is the area where we just built the Christian training center! That is where people are coming to know Jesus!”
We simply sat in awe together for moment. God not only answered our prayers, but in his perfect timing, did more than we could’ve imagined. That prayer walk in the hot Peruvian Sun is changing lives today because of the God who answers prayer.
By Jacqui - One of God's Intercessors