By Jacqui – One of God’s Intercessors

Russia has invaded Ukraine and there is a strong need to pray. As an intercessor, I am preparing myself for a marathon of prayer. Our World Intercessor team is receiving news of the needs in Ukraine.
These updates from the field are changing daily as Ukrainian families are separated with women and children taking what they can carry, forced to leave their husbands, sons, brothers, and fathers behind and crossing the border. We must pray. We must intercede on their behalf.
Bombs explode, more armed forces enter, food and necessities become in short supply. Those leaving must be totally dependent upon the goodness, the kindness of strangers. We pray that these strangers become ‘neighbors’ in every sense of the word. We pray these neighbors will love them and provide for them as they would want someone to provide and love them.
We intercede for the families torn apart. We intercede for those leaving home and feeling frightened. We intercede for the children who are confused and scared. We intercede for the leaders who have the authority to make a difference. We intercede.
Isaiah 62:6 reminds us “You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest.” We must continue to pray. We must continue to intercede for others during this time of uncertainty and war upon a nation of people; people that God loves and reminds us to love.
Why do we persevere in prayer? We do we persevere in interceding on behalf of these? Because, dear friend, only God can make the difference. Only God can bring good out of all of this. It is God who stirs compassion within the hearts of our missionaries and others who are camped along the border offering food, diapers, a ride to shelter, and most of all hope as they share the gospel. It is God who has blessed those with enough that they may now send monies to help in time of need. It is God who calls us to set aside our own comforts and reach out to help in time of need. It is God who calls us to love others as he loves us.
So, each day, as intercessors, we will continue to stop and go before the Lord in intercession for those in Ukraine; feeling their pain and crying out to the Lord on their behalf. You see, as one of God’s intercessors I know that God hears us. I trust that he will yet bring good; even from this, and so I will give myself no rest from prayer.
Will you join me? Will you persevere in prayer on behalf of others? Will you answer God’s call to pray?